
Where To Get Rid Of Used Cooking Oil

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Some of the best foods are made with cooking oil, but cooking oil tin can exist a mess to clean up. Once the oil has cooled, determine if you want to throw it away, reuse information technology, or donate it. Store the cooking oil in a sealable container before you toss it in the trash, set it out for curbside selection upwardly, or drop information technology at a local eatery for recycling. For proper disposal, remember to go along the oil out of your sink.

  1. 1

    Cool the cooking oil before you handle it. [ane] To reduce the take a chance of accidentally burning yourself, let the cooking oil cool completely before y'all dispose of it. Never elevator heavy pots total of hot oil or cascade the hot oil into the trash. Depending on how much hot oil yous accept, you may demand to wait a few hours for it to cool.[ii]

    • If you take to, y'all can go out the oil out overnight and so it comes to room temperature.
    • If yous but have a small amount of cooking oil left in your pan, let information technology cool and so wipe it up with a paper towel.
  2. ii

    Choose a non-brittle container with a resealable hat. [3] If you desire to reuse the oil, ensure that the container is clean. While y'all tin use a glass container, information technology could shatter if yous drop it. Plastic containers with spiral tops such as peanut butter jars are great cooking oil containers. Call up to label the container to prevent someone from accidentally using the oil.[4]

    • If you are not planning on altruistic your oil or reusing it, you can also cut the top off of a soda tin and pour the oil into that.


  3. 3

    Toss the container of used oil in the trash. Seal the container with the used oil and place it in your trash can.[5] Avoid simply pouring the oil into the trash can considering this can make a mess and attract rodents.[half-dozen]

  4. 4

    Freeze and scoop the oil into the trash. If you lot don't take a resealable container, you tin prepare the container with the oil in the freezer. For instance, put an old can total of oil in the freezer for a few hours. One time the oil is difficult, use a spoon to scoop the oil straight into the trash can.[7]

    • Yous can also do this with a mug. But launder the mug out with soapy water once you've disposed of the cooking oil.
  5. 5

    Cascade the cooled oil into a plastic trash bag. Take a plastic handbag that already has some waste. For example, yous tin can use a handbag that has erstwhile paper towels, veggie scraps, or tissues. Pour the cool oil straight into the bag so the trash and scraps soak up some of the grease. Tie the purse and place it in your trash can.[8]

  6. 6

    Do non pour the oil down your sink. [9] Never pour any cooking grease down your kitchen sink because information technology will eventually cake the pipes. Diluting the grease with soap or water will non prevent the oil from coating the pipes.[x]

    • Seriously clogged pipes can crusade flooding and sewage backups, so information technology'south important to never dispose of the oil in the sink.
  7. 7

    Go along cooking oil out of your compost. Don't put cooking oil that was used to fry animal products into your curbside or backyard compost. If you put cooking oil in the compost, it can attract rodents, reduce airflow in the pile, and slow down the composting.[xi]


  1. one

    Store the oil at room temperature in an airtight container. If you'd similar to accrue a total container of oil before you reuse it, pour the oil into an airtight container. Y'all tin can store the oil in your pantry at room temperature until you're ready to use it over again.

  2. 2

    Filter the oil through a java filter before using it again. Place a coffee filter over the top of the container holding the oil. Secure the filter with a rubber band and slowly pour the oil through the filter. This will trap any solids so you're left with clearer oil.[12]

    • Nutrient particles in the oil can make it rancid or encourage mold to abound.
  3. 3

    Reuse the oil to fry more food. Y'all can fry another batch of food as long as you fry a similar nutrient since the cooking oil has already taken on the flavor of the food you fried in it. For example, if you fried chicken in the oil, avoid frying cider donuts in it. If yous fried foods that were coated or breaded, you may have a harder time removing the fried bits and flavor from the oil.[13]

    • Frying vegetables usually helps the oil keep a neutral season, then it'due south easiest to reuse this cooking oil.
  4. 4

    Avoid using the oil more than two times. If you've filtered the oil and stored it properly, you can reuse cooking oil a few times. Check the oil before you use it and discard any oil that's cloudy, foamy, or smells bad. Never mix different types of cooking oil and dispose of the oil afterwards one or 2 uses.[14]

    • Reusing the oil more 2 times can reduce the oil's smoke betoken, so it burns easier. Information technology tin can also cause the fat to release damaging gratis-radicals and trans-unsaturated fat acids.


  1. 1

    Contact your metropolis about a recycling programme. Call or check your local regime's website nearly setting out used cooking oil for selection up. Some trash companies may even offer bins that you can gear up out for their collection. Your local fire department might as well accept used cooking oil.[15]

    • Your city may offer a grease selection upwards once or twice a yr such as afterwards Thanksgiving. Cheque with your metropolis to learn about pick-up dates for the yr.
  2. 2

    Donate the cooking oil. Check with local restaurants or recycling programs in your area to see if you lot can give them your used cooking oil. Companies can produce biodiesel to power their cars or businesses. In social club to find an oil drop off location, run an net search with the line "cooking oil donation [Proper noun of Your City]."[16]

    • In some cases, your cooking oil donation can be taxation-deductible.
  3. 3

    Recycle whatsoever type of cooking oil. Near recycling centers can use whatsoever type of cooking oil to make biodiesel. Check with the centre before dropping off your donation and avoid mixing your cooking oil with whatever other liquids.[17]

    • Some recycling centers have bins that you can directly pour the oil into.
  4. 4

    Shop the cooking oil in a container until yous're ready to recycle it. Pour the cooled cooking oil into a storage container with a sealable lid. Choose a sturdy container such as a plastic jar which won't shatter if it'southward dropped. Go on the oil at room temperature until you're ready to drop information technology off at a recycling center or place it at the curb for pick up.[18]


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  • Question

    Where should I keep my oil jar?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Respond

    A expert spot would be under the kitchen sink where information technology won't go used accidentally and its greasiness won't be a problem for nutrient packaging nearby.

  • Question

    Why do you not pour used cooking oil out downwardly the sink bleed or in the yard?

    Community Answer

    Because over time, oil poured into a sink tin can create a clog, especially when it is done repeatedly over time. It could too damage your soil and plants.

  • Question

    What is the shelf life of olive oil?

    Community Answer

    It can be as long as iii-4 years for an early on harvest, high-polyphenol olive multifariousness that has been filtered and packaged in a well-sealed tin or dark bottle, but that's not e'er the quality of olive oil you'll be using, then it's best to buy your olive oil in small-scale quantities and use it within half dozen months.

  • Question

    Tin I cascade it in the yard?

    Community Answer

    No, it will kill your plants & describe rats. Put it in a jar or other container for recycling.

  • Question

    Is it OK to dilute cooking oil with dish soap and dump it downwardly the bleed?

    Community Answer

    Diluted or non, oil will clog your drain. Utilise a large, empty tomato can or like to collect the oil, freeze it, and then toss it or reuse it.

  • Question

    Where tin I dispose of cooking oil?

    Community Answer

    Yous can put it in a jar/bottle and toss that in the garbage once it has cooled off.

  • Question

    How do I dispose of cooking oil?

    Community Answer

    Practise not pour information technology downwardly the drain. Either pour information technology back into the bottle (oil can exist reused), or pour information technology in a trash purse.

  • Question

    Is it safety to use cooking oil manufactured three years agone?

    Community Answer

    The answer to this question relies on several facts about the storage of/state the oil is in. For example, if the oil was stored in a cool, dry out identify in an unopened container, information technology may be okay for consumption. Nevertheless, if bacteria has entered the container so the consequences could be disastrous. Since mutual cooking oils (similar canola oil) are relatively cheap, it is always a better idea to outset with fresh/newer oil than to try to reuse questionable oil.

  • Question

    Could I make vegetables with used cooking oil and is it healthy or not?

    Community Answer

    No, it volition negatively affect the taste of the vegetables. As well, it is non good for you. It is best to steam vegetables.

  • Question

    How do I dispose of cooking oil if I am camping?

    Community Answer

    Let it cool down, follow steps 1 and 2 above, and then have information technology home with you and identify it in your home refuse bin.

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  • If you'd like to mix used cooking oil into your pet'due south food, e'er consult the vet earlier adding the oil to their nutrition.


Things Y'all'll Need

  • Storage container
  • Coffee filter
  • Condom band
  • Spoon
  • Trash tin can
  • Trash bags

About This Article

Article Summary Ten

To dispose of cooking oil, start past letting information technology cool completely. Once information technology's cool, pour information technology into a full trash handbag so the scraps absorb some of the oil. If you lot don't take a full trash bag, put the oil in the freezer until it hardens. Then, use a spoon to scoop the oil out into the trash. You tin can also pour the oil into a sealable plastic container so toss the container in the trash. Keep reading the commodity if you desire to learn how to reuse or recycle your cooking oil!

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