how to prepare potatoes ahead of time

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Potatoes are a really versatile vegetable that are often used as a side dish for a principal repast. They tin exist mashed, roasted, chipped, sautéed and baked. Cooked potatoes can exist placed in the freezer and easily prepared alee of time. If you prefer the potatoes only to be pre-peeled and cooked fresh, this is too a time-saving option that can be used. If you are simply preparing food a day alee, pre-cooked potatoes can simply be kept in the refrigerator and and then there is no need for defrosting. Here are the best ways we recommend whipping them up!

Pre-Peeling Potatoes

Wash all your potatoes that you are going to use. Place them on a chopping board.

Take your potato peeler and pare each irish potato well. You can use a sharp pocketknife if you prefer.

Wash all the potatoes over again and then identify in large pot of common cold water ensuring that all the potatoes are covered. Add together a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Placing the potatoes in the h2o will stop them from going brown and y'all can leave the potatoes in h2o for up to 48 hours and so that they are ready to use.

Mashed Potatoes

Identify i one/two pounds of potatoes in a bucket with 1/2 tsp of salt. Add together water until potatoes are completely covered.

Place the saucepan on the stove and put on high heat. Bring the h2o to a boil and then reduce to medium rut and simmer for 15 to xx minutes. Cheque the potatoes are done by placing a fork in them, if the fork slides through the potato easily, they are washed. Drain the potatoes.

Place cream and butter in a saucepan and warm until the butter has melted. Put the potatoes in a large bowl and add the warm melted butter and foam.

Mash the potatoes, adding a picayune milk to make them creamier. Go along mashing until you attain the consistency you want. Add together salt and pepper to taste.

Let the mashed tater mix cool and and then place in a closed plastic container with a chapeau. Make sure the hat is sealed properly. Place the container in the freezer. When you lot desire to use them, take the container out of the freezer and identify it in the refrigerator the nighttime earlier. You tin can then warm in the microwave for a couple of minutes or place in a dish in the oven set to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The warming process will take approximately 30 to forty minutes.

Roasted Potatoes

Prepare roasted potatoes using any method yous prefer. After they have nigh completed the cooking process, then place them on a newspaper towel to soak upwardly whatsoever excess oil. Exercise not allow them to fully cook or when they are reheated they will become mushy and volition not keep their firmness.

Place them in an airtight plastic container with a lid and identify in the freezer.

Utilize the aforementioned method of thawing and reheating as the mashed potatoes.


You can par-melt french fries, simply cook them as usual but just until they are very slightly brown. Let them cool and place in a freezer bag or container. When you are ready to utilize permit them thaw in the fridge and then place them in hot oil to re-rut and stop.


Potatoes freeze better when they have been cooked or even par-boiled showtime. Raw potatoes do non freeze equally well.