
We Tried the Dunkin' Donuts Mocha Oreo. Here's What You Should Know. - sykescoul1954

Two of our ducky guilty-pleasure food companies-Dunkin' Donuts and Oreo-get partnered to release a limited-variant cookie. How'd it gustation? Read the review to witness out.

Package of Dunkin' Donut Mocha Oreos on a wooden table beside a white plate with several of the Oreos stacked on top one another

Bringing together two unexpected foods can lead to brilliant results. Bacon Cheeseburger Tater Tot Bake, anyone? The most recent flavour mashup to shoot the market: Dunkin' Donuts Mocha Oreo Cookies. Yes, you register that right. Oreo banded with coffee chain Dunkin' Donuts to unblock a limited-edition cookie that claims to taste like an iced mocha coffee tree.

Like most the great unwashe with an insatiable sweet tooth, I give my fingerbreadth to the pulse of Oreo cookie's latest flavors. Sol when I heard the news about this caffeinated cookie, I successful a mad dash to the store to buy a pack (and some milk for dunking, too). I asked myself, "Could these Oreos at the same time curb my burnt umber and sweet cravings?" Curious about the results? Show on to ascertain out.

At a Glance

If the Dunkin' Donuts logotype on the wrapping wasn't a idle game show, the large image of an iced mocha made information technology clear: There's bound to be roughly coffee savour here. Out of the package, the cookie looked a good deal like an median Oreo cookie-but instead of the creme filling beingness T. H. White, IT had a chromatic tone.

Takeaway: The filling looks slightly more artificial than I'd like-simply hey, that's not going to stop Maine.

The Bite

Eager to taste, I took a respective bite. My primary view: Praise sweet Oreo heaven! Sandwiched betwixt those cardinal brittle wafers was a thick layer of thick, chocolaty goodness. Although no strong coffee savour was apparent, the rich woof made my taste buds dance for joy.

Takeaway: Did I buy double-stuffed? It seems there's a ton of creme in these puppies. And I am A-OK with that.

Mocha Oreo split in half to remove its creamy center which sticks mostly to the bottom cookie while the top has only a small piece clinging to it

The Break through

After shining forth my first cookie, I decided to test the Oreo's composition. Victimization a purely scientific method I mastered in grade school, I pried a cookie unconnected. To my surprise, the Oreo did not have a water-washed break. Instead, portions of creme clung to each wafer. Slightly defeated, I tested again with a sec cookie. Same resultant role.

Fetching a nearer look, I deduced that this filling was softer than your average Oreo's-almost like the thick buttercream you'd find on top of a cupcake. I distinct to gustation it on its ain. Without the competing chocolate wafers, the creme had a hint of coffee flavor. To constitute unsubtle: This isn't the Italian espresso coffee relish, but more like a seraphic mocha you'd breakthrough at, well, Dunkin' Donuts. I'm a fan.

Takeaway: To smack that sweet coffee flavor, you've gotta eat the filling champaign. To beryllium honest, I compliments I could buy it by the tubful.

The Dunk

It's common knowledge that the most practical way to eat an Oreo is to dunk it into a cold glass of Milk River. (Just look-alike our favorite home-brewed cookies!) In altogether honesty, when I submerged the cookie I was hoping it would magically metamorphose my milk into a Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee-merely unluckily, it did not.

What I was left with was a saturated cookie that melted in my rima oris. All the creamy and chocolaty flavors melted into united for sum up sweet-tooth satisfaction.

Takeaway: Bravo, Dunkin' Donuts Mocha Oreo cookie. Now, mortal please keep me from feeding the entire sleeve!

Same More than Matter…

The following morning I had a brilliant idea. I couldn't believe IT didn't hit ME sooner. Dunk the mocha Oreos in coffee. I filled up my loving cup o' joe and carefully dipped the cookie. "Yes!" my smack buds cried out. We just may induce recovered coffee's favorite cookie.

What We Should Take Away

Wish this new flavor be a substitute for your deep brown dependance? Sadly, no. But for a cookie, I collapse the Dunkin' Donut Mocha Oreos a 10/10. If you equivalent mocha along with the cocoa crunch and thickheaded creamy filling of Oreos, I suggest giving it a try. And when you do, I highly advocate pairing it with coffee-operating theatre better yet, this Mocha Morning Beverage. Dunk happening!


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